The NUTRAS -- the name stood
for Nashville Under-The-Radar
All-Stars -- was a very short-lived
side project for me and a few
of my musical friends. We decided
to have four front men, all
of whom were singers, songwriters
and musicians with their
own separate careers going.
The idea was that we'd switch
off being the leader, and have
a lot of musical diversity. The
four were me, Walter Egan (at
left), Supe Granda (at right),
and Chris James (at the keyboard,
hidden behind Supe). We
brought in one of Nashville's
very best drummers, our friend
Kathy Burkly (hidden behind
Walter), and we really sounded
pretty good. Unfortunately,
people's different schedules and
career commitments made it
impossible to keep it all going,
and we only did a handful of
gigs. I kept the idea, though, and
put together a similar group
that is still going strong: Steve
Haggard, Joel Alan Lehman &
The Nashville All-Stars.